Saturday 22 September 2012


The Canadian rapper, Drake decided to drop out of high school as a
teenager to follow a career in music, but this summer the 25-year-old
rapper went back for his paper and is set to graduate this month.
During an interview with Kentucky's cn|2, Drake said University of
Kentucky men's basketball coach John Calipari inspired him to pursue
his high school diploma, a task that was well within his reach since
he was only a credit away from achieving his goal.

According to him, "When Coach Cal asked me to come here for the first
Midnight Madness, it just really gave me…it gave me a sense of school,
a sense of love, a sense of belonging to something, and so, you know,
that's why I feel like I belong to the UK family and that's why I'm
graduating high school this month."

Drake got choice seats during the basketball team's NCAA tournament in
2010 and coached a squad during alumni games in 2009 and 2012. Who
knows maybe he could consider college in Kentucky.