Lifeline Biotechnologies, an American based company, has invented a
"smart bra" called First Warning Systems which could help women
discover if they have breast cancer.
The bra, which is based on a novel breast health screening device and
method could become available in Europe in 2013 and then in the United
States of America in 2014, for US$ 1,000 (N160,000) for a pair.
Preliminary studies with First Warning Systems were conducted in more
than 650 women, resulting in an average detection of at least 90
percent. Compared with the standard mammogram, the tests averaged 70
percent accuracy.
In a release, by Biotechnologies, the medical technology company
licensing the bra observed that the First Warning System is capable
not only identifying breast tissue abnormalities at their earliest
stages, but can also identify the general location of such
abnormalities in three dimensions to each of the four quadrants of
each breast.
The release continues: "It is, therefore, not intended as an
additional step in the breast cancer screening process, but as an
accurate identifier of early breast abnormalities which generate heat
via the presence of new blood vessels that nourish the area in