Tuesday 23 October 2012

Hollywood Reacts to Final Debate: Obama's Horses & Bayonets vs. Romney's Very Strong America

Barack Obama and Mitt Romney threw down the gauntlet one last time
tonight--and the Twitterverse was ready.

The politically inclined corner of Hollywood was again hanging on
every word of the candidates' third and final debate before the Nov. 6
election, this one devoted to foreign policy and how the sitting
president and his challenger plan to lead the United States forward.

Here's what the celebs had to say in 140 characters (or much, much
more): Michelle Obama: Barack's steady leadership has made us stronger
and safer than we were four years ago. That was clear tonight.
-mo#ProudOfObama Bill Maher: OK, one last try: We have fewer Andrews
Sisters and Ritz Brothers than we did in 1944. So glad we're done with
THAT!...Plus: I've seen wider ideological differences between
Jehovah's Witnesses...And:

First debate, all agreed, Obama lost; second one, i say he won, but
Romney not trounced. But this one? Only bubbledwellers can say Mitt
won. Alec Baldwin: Point goes to Mitt that China is a currency
manipulator...And: O is cool, collected, Presidential. Mitt is
throwing everything at the screen except the Pumpkin Papers. Sarah

Leaders aren't leaders because they really really wanna be the leader
you poor limited man Lindsay Lohan: Nice work to both @BarackObama
and@mittromney... i'm so relieved that its over. Maybe more than both
of you..severe anxiety-God Bless xo L Samuel L. Jackson: Why do the
same A--HOLES continue to follow me in hopes that I'll recognize their
pathetic opinions? Oh, wait I just did! Carry on.

GOBAMA!! Michelle Williams: Lawd Lawd.....a twitter page called
Romney's Airbrush is following me! Hahahahahahahahaha! Good Night!
Hahahahaha!! Giuliana Rancic: I love watching the families chatting on
stage after #debate.

Wish I could read lips!#whatrtheysaying Bette Midler: Ah, bedtime.
Hope I don't wake up in a cold sweat over the undecideds...Plus:
"Something something something on a Cross of Gold!!" "Bayonets and
horses" will go into the history books... Moby: Now listening to jimi

Perfect antidote to mitt romney the whiney liar. The only thing
authentic about mitt romney is his hair. Piers Morgan: VERDICT; Obama
narrow win tonight..polls don't change much tomorrow...race still very

Kathy Griffin: Wtf? Why aren't my hilarious & astute tweets on the
bottom @MSNBC ticker? Aubrey O'Day: This isn't going to come down to
Romney being a better candidate, he's not. Fact. It's going to come
down to how much one dislikes Obama...Plus: Strongest debate
performance by Obama thus far.

In command of the facts. Happy that Mitt's anxiety & painful
performance has come 2 an end. Michael Moore: Here in Michigan, we
retooled our entire state economy so we could export Romney to
Massachusetts...Plus: Mitt's 5 PointPlan:1.

It's just a jump to the left 2.A step to the right 3.Hands on ur hips
4.Bring ur knees in tight 5.Drive yourself insane Scott Baio: Fact:
During the debate tonight a active duty Marine contacted Fox News to
say they still use bayonets.

Drew Carey: Romney handed Obama easy lobs all night. No surprises for
the Pres. #Debates Ann Curry: Loved when Bob Schieffer quoted his mom:
"Go vote, it makes you feel big and strong." Chad Johnson: I'm sure
the debate is good but there's no way Obama/Romney top last weeks
debate... that s--t was f-ing exciting across the board... will.i.am:

Those who aren't watching you should be proud that we have a strong
leader in@BarackObama ...we will fight our problems 1by1 together
#vote Christina Applegate: no secret that I am one of them hippie
dippie liberal types. It's just my core belief.

But I'm not going to say who to vote for just vote! Kelly Bensimon:
Americans are strong leaders. Who is going to be our commander in
chief? I'm pro american not pro debate team. Make the right choice

Source : Eonline.com