Saturday 6 October 2012

Kefee : I have No Regret to Comment having Early morning Sex on Twitter.

Branama singer Kefee became an internet sensation few weeks ago after
posting a comment about having sex early in the morning on Twitter. As
expected peoples response to her post went both ways, with some
calling her unprintable names, while some credited her for being bold
enough to tell the world how going her husband was in bed.

In a recent interview with The Punch newspapers, the question was
brought up and Kefee said:

"I didn't expect that my comment, 'Early morning sex is good,' which I
posted on Twitter would generate such number of comments. I was being
factual. That was how I felt that particular time. I don't regret the

Many thanks Kefee for expressing your freedom of private speech
openly. Don't. forget to tell us how late afternoon and midnight sex
feel like. #kefeetohbadtgan!

Kefee, Kefee tweet on early morning sex,Kefee tweet on sex, Kefee
twitter, Kefee's interview!