Friday, 26 October 2012

Lil Wayne Rushed To Hospital After In-Flight Medical Emergency

According to TMZ, Lil Wayne's private jet had to make an emergency
landing in Texas last night after Wayne had suffered "seizure-like
symptoms" in mid-air. As soon as a the plane touched down, Weezy was
quickly sent to a local hospital to get treatment. He was there for a
few hours and then checked out at around 6PM.

They are all the details that are currently available right now, but
the good news is that Tune is already "doing better". Let's hope this
was nothing serious!

UPDATE: A rep for Wayne has just released a statement about this
situation that you can read below:

"Lil Wayne was successfully released from the hospital after being
treated for a severe migraine and dehydration. He is at home on
doctor-mandated rest and will return to work soon. He appreciates all
of his fans for their support and love."

Tunechi has had to cancel his in-store appearance at Dillard's store
at Jefferson Mall in Louisville, Kentucky tomorrow (October 27th), but
don't worry, because he will be rescheduling a new date for when he is
feeling better.