Monday 8 October 2012

Major Causes of Breast Sag ! And Possible Solutions ?

Sagging or drooping of breasts is a natural, inevitable process that
happens to all women at some point, except to women with fairly small

The most notable sagging happens with the process called breast
involution , but breasts can start drooping a little at any age,
because they do NOT have muscles in them. They have ligaments and
connective tissue.

Breast involution is a process where the milk-making system inside the
breast shrinks because it is not needed anymore. This happens either
after weaning, or right after pregnancy if the woman does not
breastfeed at all, or during menopause.

When the gravity pulls the breasts down, those ligaments and the skin
can stretch, and so the breast then droops. This depends on the
elasticity of your skin and of your ligaments, as determined by your
genes and diet, and also on normal aging processes.

Obviously large breasts will sag easier since the gravity is pulling
them down more. When breasts bounce during active sports, such as
tennis, those ligaments can also be stretched or even torn.

A good sports bra can minimize that effect, and is recommendable.

When the tissues inside the breast shrink, and the skin surrounding
it doesn't, the breast can look "empty" and saggy. After weaning, a
woman's body usually deposits fat back to the breast (this process
takes months), so that breasts will gain their pre-pregnancy size, but
sagging usually remains.

Another common cause for sagging is when a woman loses weight.

When you lose weight, some of that fat disappears from your breasts.
Typically the skin and the ligaments inside the breasts do not retract
accordingly, resulting in an 'empty' looking breast that then sags.
(You could try prevent this by eating foods that provide extra good
nutrition for your skin.)

According to the study, the following were risk factors for an
increased degree of breast sagging: body mass index (BMI), the number
of pregnancies, a larger pre-pregnancy bra size, smoking history, and

Breast feeding causes breasts to sag.

Depends. Dr. Quardt says that it's the combination of pregnancy and
breast feeding that causes sagginess. While pregnant, a. woman's
breasts engorge, inflate and the skin
stretches out. So when you breast feed you're continuing to stretch
the skin out for a longer period of time.

And once you stop, the gland dries up and the tissue shrinks, leading
to a saggy appearance.

The degree of sagginess, however, is different from woman to woman
depending on how much they engorge and how much they deflate

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