Tuesday 27 November 2012


The 28-year old Otaku (a Japanese term that roughly translates to
somewhere between 'obsessive' and 'nerd'), took that love a step
further  by getting married to his pillow in a special ceremony that
was well publicized in the local media after fitting it out with a
wedding dress for the service in front of a local priest. The pillow
has an image of Fate Testarossa, from the 'magical girl' anime series
Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha.

One friend said of the relationship between Lee and his pillow: 'He is
completely obsessed with this pillow and takes it everywhere'.

Another added, 'They go out to the park or the funfair where it will
go on all the rides with him. Then when he goes out to eat he takes it
with him and it gets its own seat and its own meal'.

The pillow marriage is not the first similarly-themed unusual marriage
in recent times – it comes after a Japanese otaku married his virtual
girlfriend Nene Anegasaki, a character who only exists in the Nintendo
DS game 'Love Plus,' last November.

SOURCE: http://www.dwitch.com/actions/view/3605