Tuesday 18 December 2012

Things We Wish We Had Known as NewlyWed

When we were first married, like many newlyweds, we thought we knew it
all. In reality, we had a lot to learn about how to build a successful

Here are things we wish we had known

Fight Fair.

It is okay to argue with one another as long as you fight fair. Pick
your battles. What you argued about today may seem so very important
but chances are you won't remember it a few years from now.

Date One Another.
Although staying home and watching a movie or enjoying some quiet
time together is important, getting out of the house and having a date
with one another is one of the keys to having a successful marriage.

Talk to One Another. Your spouse is not a mind reader. Don't jump to
conclusions. Share what you want and what you don't want and what you
like and what you don't
like. Share your thoughts and feelings when the two of you have
decisions to make.

Have Fun and Enjoy One Another. This seems like a given, but newlyweds
often put work and making money on a higher priority than having fun.
Don't wait to have fun. You
can have fun without spending a lot of money.

Your Jobs Can Hurt Your Marriage. Yes, being successful in your
careers and earning enough money to keep the roof over your heads is
important. However, work is not the
most important thing in life. Don't let your jobs interfere with your marriage.

Let Go of Past Hurts. You will make mistakes. Your spouse will make
mistakes. You will both say things you don't really mean. You both
need to forgive and to be forgiven.

Draw the Line With Your In-Laws. Set boundaries with your in-laws
right away. If you don't, problems with your respective families will
continue throughout your